To schedule an abortion, please call Allegheny Reproductive Health Center at 412-661-8811
Everyone Deserves Access
The Western Pennsylvania Fund for Choice ensures that money is not a barrier to accessing abortion care.
Abortion is essential reproductive healthcare and there are an ever-increasing number of barriers to women and people seeking safe, compassionate abortion care in the Western PA region. Donate now to Western PA Fund for Choice to help clients pay for their abortion services, their transportation, and other costs associated with accessing abortion services in our region, where barriers to abortion care are increasingly difficult to navigate.
Western PA Fund for Choice supports patients of Allegheny Reproductive Health Center (ARHC) in Pittsburgh, PA, which provides abortion care to patients from all over the region, including Central and Western Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia.
Allegheny Reproductive Health Center (ARHC) is a full spectrum reproductive health clinic which provides safe, compassionate, and affordable abortion care up to the state legal limit of 23.6 weeks. ARHC provides medication (pill) abortion and surgical abortion options.
To schedule an abortion appointment, please call 412-661-8811.
Our Partner Clinic
Allegheny Reproductive Health Center (ARHC) provides abortions up to the state legal limit of 23.6 weeks. ARHC provides medication (pill) abortion and surgical abortion, sedation options, as well as general gynecological care such as STD testing and treatment and birth control. To schedule an appointment or to ask questions, please call Allegheny Reproductive Health Center at 412-661-8811. You may also email questions to
Your contribution puts people back in charge of their lives:
$15, $25, $50, $100, or more - it all adds up to travel, lodging, childcare, and medical care!
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All proceeds support abortion access
About Us
Western Pennsylvania Fund for Choice (WPAFC) was founded in 1995 to increase access to high qualilty, compassionate abortion care, and to ensure that financial burden is never a barrier to access in the Western PA region. Patients come from Western and Central PA, Ohio, and West Virginia, where access to abortion services is difficult, unaffordable, or completely unavailable.
WPAFC is a grassroots, not-for-profit organization founded and managed by volunteers and built on the generous donations of our supporters and the support of our community.
Donated funds go directly to help patients pay for their services at Allegheny Reproductive Health Center.
WPAFC is a member of the National Network of Abortion Funds and is a registered tax exempt 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.